Walter Cronkite Editorial On Vietnam War Worksheet Answers

Walter cronkite editorial on vietnam war worksheet answers – Walter Cronkite’s editorial on the Vietnam War, broadcast on February 27, 1968, stands as a watershed moment in American history. Cronkite, the trusted anchor of the CBS Evening News, delivered a scathing indictment of the war, declaring that it was “mired in stalemate” and that “we are mired in stalemate.”

His editorial had a profound impact on public opinion and helped to turn the tide against the war.

In this comprehensive analysis, we will explore the key points of Cronkite’s editorial, examine its historical context, and assess its lasting legacy. We will also provide answers to frequently asked questions about this pivotal moment in American journalism and history.

Walter Cronkite’s Editorial on the Vietnam War: Walter Cronkite Editorial On Vietnam War Worksheet Answers

Walter cronkite editorial on vietnam war worksheet answers

Walter Cronkite, a highly respected and influential American television news anchor, delivered a groundbreaking editorial on the Vietnam War on February 27, 1968. His editorial, titled “The Dilemma of Vietnam,” was a turning point in the war, as it significantly shifted public opinion against the conflict.

Cronkite’s editorial was based on his extensive reporting from Vietnam, where he witnessed the escalating violence and futility of the war. In his editorial, he expressed his belief that the war was unwinnable and that the United States should withdraw its troops.

Key Points of Cronkite’s Editorial, Walter cronkite editorial on vietnam war worksheet answers

Cronkite’s editorial focused on several key points:

  • The war was not going well, and there was no clear path to victory.
  • The United States had underestimated the strength and determination of the North Vietnamese.
  • The war was costing the United States too much in terms of lives, money, and reputation.
  • The United States should withdraw its troops from Vietnam and seek a negotiated settlement.

Historical Context of the Vietnam War

The Vietnam War was a complex and protracted conflict that began in the early 1960s. The United States initially became involved in the war to support the South Vietnamese government against the communist North Vietnamese.

By 1968, the war had escalated significantly, and the United States had deployed over 500,000 troops to Vietnam. However, the war was not going well for the United States. The North Vietnamese were determined to fight, and the American public was increasingly questioning the war.

Impact of Cronkite’s Editorial

Cronkite’s editorial had a profound impact on the public and government.

Immediate impact:

  • Public opinion against the war shifted significantly.
  • The Johnson administration was forced to reconsider its war policy.

Long-term effects:

  • Cronkite’s editorial helped to erode public support for the war and contributed to the eventual withdrawal of US troops.
  • It also damaged the credibility of the government and the media.

Legacy of Cronkite’s Editorial

Cronkite’s editorial on the Vietnam War remains one of the most influential pieces of journalism in American history.

It is a powerful reminder of the importance of a free and independent press and the role that the media can play in shaping public opinion and holding the government accountable.

Cronkite’s editorial also continues to be relevant today, as it raises important questions about the nature of war, the role of the media, and the responsibility of citizens to hold their government accountable.

FAQ Explained

What was the main argument of Cronkite’s editorial?

Cronkite argued that the Vietnam War was a stalemate and that the United States could not win. He also criticized the Johnson administration for misleading the public about the war.

What was the impact of Cronkite’s editorial?

Cronkite’s editorial had a profound impact on public opinion. It helped to turn the tide against the war and contributed to the eventual withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam.

What is the legacy of Cronkite’s editorial?

Cronkite’s editorial remains a powerful reminder of the importance of a free and independent press. It also stands as a testament to the power of one person to make a difference.